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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I’m in a celebratory mood today! With the completion of this web/blog site I am able to begin communicating my intent to return as a teacher/guide. During my three year absence from teaching while in the corporate world, I was heartened by the steady stream of inquiries from those who I had previously worked with, asking if I would ever return to teaching. Thank you for your encouragement and support. It became the primary motivation to return.

The potential of Social Media is opening up to me. I look forward to receiving Comments from visitors so that I can learn what people are looking for in these tumultuous times? I am also interested in how we can use the new social media to support the creation of a learning community devoted to psycho-spiritual pursuits.

Michael Torresan


  1. Hello Michael!

    It's Lisa in Vancouver. I was directed to your freshly designed website from Simon Thompson announcing your weekend on Trust in Victoria. I'm so glad to hear you've returned to teaching! You're a fabulous teacher and I'd recommend you to anyone. I'm so grateful for being brought to this body of knowledge. It's the key!

    Hope to contact you for a catch up when I come to Seattle in June for Quasar.

    Best wishes with your newly minted website and your return to teaching. Yay!

    Many thanks,

  2. Dearest Michael and fellow travelers--
    Ren here, in Ellensburg. I am so thrilled that Michael is once again teaching-what a precious gift to have his transmission of the work available again! I had hoped to attend the Feb. weekend, but am leaving next week to visit my folks, and there's just sooo much happening on the farm...I've now added dairy sheep, cheesemaking, etc...but that's another story!

    Life, as ever, is difficult, challenging, amazing and wonderful. I feel blessed to on occasion feel mature enough to hold it all! That seems to be a big piece of my work these days--developing the capacity to hold in my being 2 or more experiences/feelings that my ego structure insists are mutually exclusive and NO WAY can co-exist! It still surprises me every time I realize I am experiencing say joy, grief and loss... or disappointment, anger and unconditional love...and rather than falling into the old habit of black and white, either/or, and believing the part of my structure that says "you can't feel grief and joy at the same time, so contract, be smaller"-- I am more and more able to relax, be more spacious and know that I need not split off--then I'm able to experience what is without rejection, and enjoy the subtlety, complexity and perfection of what is emerging. What a relief!

    Sorry to rattle on...just want to share a bit of what's up for me. I've never posted on a blog so don't know the protocol!

    So anyhoo Michael--yipee, praise be, welcome back--hello to all my old friends and have a fabulous weekend on Basic Trust...Much Love--Ren

  3. Dear Michael:

    I am grateful to the Universal Movement for your return to working with groups and individuals. Your gifts are prodigious and sorely needed in the world.


  4. Dear Michael and friends,
    With a happy heart I celebrate this gift that you are offerring , Michael. Through your loving guidance, so much light has been brought into my awareness. Your teaching continues to work in my life and certainly benefits my family and friends as a result. I am so grateful for you and your work. May gratitude continually and abundantly flow throughout all of your work.
    Sue Hart
